Facial rejuvenation

She got rid of wrinkles and facial imperfections with injection and hardware techniques

Aging is an inevitable process. Women are sensitive to the appearance of wrinkles and other age-related changes. They do everything they can to preserve their beauty and youth, resorting to different methods. Consider the most popular modern methods of facial skin rejuvenation that help restore elasticity, tighten and remove wrinkles.

Facial rejuvenation hardware and injection services

Hardware procedures are considered effective and less traumatic because they do not require rehabilitation, are painless, and do not cause side effects. However, the effectiveness of "beauty treatments" and tools is not inferior to that of plastic surgery.

The effect of facial rejuvenating cosmetic procedures is immediately noticeable. The course consists of several sessions. With the help of hardware and injection techniques, you can solve various problems - shaping, eliminating stretch marks, removing cellulite, scars, wrinkles, redness, age spots.

Among the hardware techniques that rejuvenate the face from wrinkles, the following stand out:

  • laser therapy;
  • endospheric therapy;
  • biostimulation;
  • microcurrents;
  • light rejuvenation;
  • SMAS lifting;
  • LED light therapy.

Injection techniques have a pronounced anti-aging effect, but require anesthesia and rehabilitation, which can take up to 10 days:

  • biorevitalization;
  • mesotherapy;
  • contour plastic;
  • botulinum therapy;
  • thread lifting.

Special mention should be made of exfoliations that are used in cosmetology to prevent aging. This is a gentle way for the epidermis to work.

Each type of hardware facial rejuvenation has its own characteristics that you need to know about before going to a beauty salon.

Laser therapy

Hardware technique for raising skin rejuvenation with a heat jet. The device converts light energy into heat energy, which has a positive effect on the epidermis and cells. As a result, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, cells are saturated with moisture, and the natural production of collagen and elastin is normalized. The effect lasts for up to 3 years. The laser reaches the deep layers of the dermis without puncture or injury. It is a very effective procedure that noticeably rejuvenates women’s face after the first session.

Endosphere therapy

Endosphere facial skin therapy for a rejuvenating effect

The skin rejuvenation process is based on compression and microvibration. During the session, the beautician heats the tissue with a device, increasing the temperature by 2 degrees. Cells begin to produce collagen, elastin, which leads to the strengthening of blood vessels. Compression removes excess moisture from the cells, removes tissue swelling, and improves sound. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, the procedure provides pronounced exfoliation, removes the dead layer and improves color. The procedure has virtually no contraindications.

The result is noticeable after the first session. The effect requires 6-18 procedures.


The method of aesthetic facial rejuvenation is based on the effect of electric current. The device generates a total of 44 different waveforms. With biostimulation, you can reduce the number of wrinkles, reduce their severity, and clarify the contour. The method combines microcurrents, chronotherapy, ultrasound. The device affects blood flow, improves the work of blood vessels, restores the structure.

Facial rejuvenation is cheap. 8-10 sessions are required to achieve the effect.

Microcurrent therapy - a hardware method of facial skin renewal


A modern physiotherapy method to restore the beauty and rejuvenation of the face. The area is treated with pulsed low frequency currents. The procedure is safe and does not cause any inconvenience. As a result, the microcirculation of blood flow and cellular metabolism is activated. The skin becomes supple, fine wrinkles disappear. The procedure provides a pronounced lifting effect. The result requires 10-15 sessions.


An injection technique for introducing hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the dermis, which is eliminated in the body over the years. The injections fill the cells with moisture, hyaluronic acid. As a result, the skin becomes tight, wrinkles smooth out, freshness and radiant appearance return.

The most stable results are given by 10-12 sessions of therapeutic therapy. The cost of a complete facial rejuvenation depends on the drug.


Injection technique based on the introduction of drugs in small doses. The therapeutic composition heals the cells and improves the quality of the epidermis. Using the technique, you can solve many dermatological problems: dryness, flaccidity, pigmentation, wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, lack of moisture.

The cosmetologist selects the drugs according to the indications. These are vitamins, trace elements, homeopathic remedies, acids, herbs, amino acids, hyaluronic acid.

The price is influenced by the facial rejuvenation drug used in the cosmetic procedure.

Contour plastic

Apply markings to the skin to rejuvenate contour plastics

The technique involves the introduction of fillers that restore the lost volume in the desired area. It is prescribed from the age of 40, when age-related changes become apparent and other salon treatments for facial rejuvenation become ineffective. The fillers are hyaluronic acid based on gels of different densities.

With the help of plastics, you can change the shape of the nose, lips, remove the nasolabial fold, get rid of nasolacrimal grooves, correct the shape of the cheekbones and chin. The result requires 1-3 sessions of contour plastic.

Botulin therapy

The injection technique involves the introduction of ampoules of pharmaceutical composition. "Beauty shots" based on botulinum toxin block muscles, smooth wrinkles and give lasting results. The result of a single visit to the center can be enjoyed for up to six months. You can remove facial wrinkles and restore youth in 15 minutes.

The cost depends on what type of drug is injected under the upper layers of the dermis.

Thread lifting - a way to cosmetically rejuvenate the face after 45 years

Thread lifting

Mesothreads are the creation of a frame using special threads that are inserted with a thin needle. This cosmetic facial rejuvenation method is used after 45 years. The fibers make the contour firmer and smoother, remove the double chin, eliminate wrinkles, and help rejuvenate the lower third of the face. Visually, with the help of therapy, you can lose up to 10 years. The effect lasts for 5 years.


At a young age, it is enough to exfoliate in a beauty salon to prevent aging. Many possibilities are used in cosmetology:

  • chemical - superficial, deep, medium, includes treatment with chemicals, acids;
  • laser treatment with fraxel or CO2 device, deep cleanses, removes dead cells.

Peeling initiates the processes of cell regeneration. They produce more elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid. We recommend that you visit a beautician at least once a year to prevent age-related changes. The number of meetings is prescribed by the doctor according to the indications.


Exposure to light waves of different lengths. Light radiation removes pigmentation, dead cells, fights spider veins, replenishes cells with elastin and collagen, restoring youth.

The hardware rejuvenation of the facial skin provides a long-lasting effect. The result is noticeable after the first session.

Peeling based on trichloroacetic acid and coyic acid

A form of chemical peeling based on trichloroacetic acid, hydrogen peroxide and coyamic acid. Such a unique composition penetrates the skin quickly, activating the regeneration process without damaging the tissues. No irritation or redness after exfoliation. You can use PRX-T peeling all year round.

SMAS lifting

The hardware technique using ultrasound is painless and does not require rehabilitation. Ultrasound enhances cell regeneration, improves blood microcirculation, produces collagen, and removes toxins and slag. Electrical impulses give a visible result of facial rejuvenation after the first time.

LED light therapy treatment to combat age-related changes in the facial skin

LED light therapy

Hardware technique for coping with age-related changes. With the help of therapy, you can get rid of acne, pimples, relieve inflammation, and even out age spots. The process uses a light emitting diode that is completely safe. The result requires 10 sessions.

What procedures you choose for facial rejuvenation depends on the problem, the severity, and the age of the patient. Before choosing a therapy, consult a beautician who will choose how to rejuvenate the salon.